The chairman of the Kiyoharu Art Colony Foundation has published a new book.

Upate: 2021年12月18日

We’re glad to inform you the new book “Art Thinking: Starting from <Question>” by Hiromi Yoshii – our president of the Kiyoharu Art Colony Foundation, has been published and was released on December 15th by Kobunsha Shinsho.

“Art thinking starting from <Question>”
Hitomi Yoshii / work
Since ancient times, artists have played a role in society to make invisible things visible. (…) I think it can be said that artists have portrayed things that they cannot see even if they want to see them, in that era and society. (…) What all artists have in common is that they ask us “Questions” about the future, shaking common sense and giving us an unprecedented experience. (…) I think that if the viewer can clearly feel the future potential created by the artists, it will surely be useful for business and when thinking about how to live in the future.(From Chapter 1 “Art Presents the Future”)

Category: NEWS
